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CoWorking Tuesdays! - May 28


Free Registration:


Can’t come but want to join the news letter for future events: http://coworkingnorwalk.com/

Working from home? Need an excuse to put on real pants and get out of the house? This is your chance!

​Come work alongside us at the unofficial headquarters of Norwalk, Eco Evolution.

​We’ll have some brief opportunities to get to know each other and what we’re all working on, then we’ll set a timer and get to work! 

​Each “work sprint” is an opportunity for you to work on one specific important task for the day. (If you know the Pomodoro Technique, this should be very familiar!) You will be amazed how much you can get done using this method!

​You’ll be super productive, you’ll make a friend, you’ll have a good time. 

​PLUS, we're going to keep a running list of what we've gotten done as we go. It's our collective To-DONE list.

​Best of all? It’s totally free. Just buy a cup of coffee or a pastry to support our hosts!

How it works

​Show up anytime—we will do facilitated introductions and share our goals for the day at 10:30 am, with 45-minute timed focus sessions throughout the day. The rough schedule:

​10:00 am - Arrive and get settled

​10:30 am - Introductions and goal-setting

​10:45 am - Focus Sprint #1

​11:30 am - Break

​11:45 am - Focus Sprint #2

​12:30 pm - Group lunch break

​1:45 pm - Re-introductions, welcoming afternoon newcomers

​2:00pm - Focus Sprint #3

​2:45 pm - Break

​3:00 pm - Focus Sprint #4

​3:45 pm - Break

​4:00pm - Focus Sprint #5

​4:45 pm - High-fives! Share your wins for the day

​5:00 pm - Wrap-up 🍻



Who’s behind this?

​Hi, I’m Tony Bacigalupo (bah-chee-gah-loo-poh). I led the charge to open Manhattan’s first coworking space, New Work City, in 2008. Since then, I’ve worked with leaders from around the world to build communities and shared gathering spaces, all in pursuit of solving our loneliness epidemic. 

​I recently moved to Norwalk with my fab wife, and am excited to be getting more involved in the local community spaces. I’m a huge fan of Eco Evolution and what it represents!

​More about me: LinkedInTwitter • Instagram


​Questions? Email tony@belongfulness.com