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Tree Playing Cards


Every single card was hand-drawn and tree-inspired. Whether you're a lover of games, admirer of forests, or simply enjoy seeing woodland creatures reign - this unique deck is a must-have. 54 unique, hand-drawn woodlands designs, each card suit featuring a different wilderness. With each successive card, you see the respective suits grow and change.    ♠:  Evergreen Forest    ♡:  Branching Olive Tree    ♣:  Budding Leaf Venation    ♢:  Birch Tree Grove The reigning animals correspond to the suit's tree-theme. A mama bear rules as Queen in ♠'s Evergreen Forest; a jackrabbit acts as Jack in ♢'s Birch Tree Grove; the King of ♡'s Branching Olive Tree is a regal owl. With numerous nature-inspired details, you're sure to find something new to love every time you play. •    High-quality, black core cardstock •    Semi-gloss, textured finish •    Green, Blue, Gold, and Sand color theme •    FSC Certified (Forest Stewardship Council)